Downtown Grand Rapids (2019)
Client: City of Grand Rapids
Conducted on Monday, May 6, 2019, and totaling 50 acres which is a small study area relative to the capabilities of Quantifly’s technology, the project focused on the on- and off-street parking availability near Van Andel arena on a typical weekday. There were 2,321 parking spaces within the project area, and 18,564 total cars were counted using the spaces between 8:30 am and 8:30 pm. Aerial imagery was captured on an hourly basis. The two aerial images shown here indicate the on- and off-street parking areas included in the study, as well as their average occupancy throughout the 12 hour study period. Final deliverables to the client included aerial orthomosaics, occupancy heat maps, graphs, excel data tables, and GIS shapefiles.
Downtown Holland (2019)
Client: City of Holland
This study was conducted on Friday, June 28, 2019, and totaled 62 acres. Downtown Holland receives a lot of summer tourists who visit its shops, restaurants, and bars, so the observed conditions would represent a typical Friday during the tourist season. The animation of the hourly changes in parking occupancy was prepared for Quantifly by David Wasserman, AICP. Final deliverables to the client included an animation of the occupancy ratios over time, aerial orthomosaics, occupancy heat maps, graphs, excel data tables, and GIS shapefiles.
Detroit Riverfront (2019)
Client: Sub-consulting to Nelson/Nygaard on a project for the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation
This study focused on parking availability along a recreational riverfront, and was conducted in two phases. The first phase represented typical Saturday conditions, and the second phase was solely to measure the impact of a large concert on the riverfront’s on- and off-street parking supply. The project area was approximately 200 acres (three square miles) and included 6,800 parking spaces.